Jerry D. Goldstein, LLC

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Jerry D. Goldstein is a seasoned, results-proven legal executive who is both analytical and creative in guiding commercial and non-profit enterprises. 

For over 20 years, Goldstein was the managing partner of a successful regional law firm until he was asked to take a role as VP and General Counsel of a technology corporation, headquartered in Ireland, with a portfolio of over 120 patents. Much of the intellectual property he deals with touches the entertainment industry. Jerry has successfully participated in negotiating large corporate licenses which resulted in a measurable thirty percent increase in revenues under his direction.

Early in his career, Goldstein organized financing and development of commercial real estate of which, most notably, he developed into some of the first shared office space/service organizations. Jerry also holds certification in redevelopment of distressed and historic property. He is very well versed in maximizing value per square foot while creating unique and comfortable experiences for workers. 

Goldstein's focus in private law practice was in bankruptcy law where his practice flourished during recessionary years and helped develop his sound financial and organizational strategies. He also took lead counsel roles in most of the firms employment matters. At the same time, the concept of alternative dispute resolution became a major strategy for restructuring businesses or dealing with employment issues and Jerry was tapped to participate in Cornell University's inaugural, ILR arbitration and mediation development program. Jerry is still a member  of the Cornell role of arbitrators, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and United States District Courts Roster of Mediators in multiple districts.

As President of a 90+ acre, non-profit, recreation and hospitality facility for 6 years, Goldstein reorganized the management structure, obtained approval and financing of a multi-million dollar state mandated dam restoration and renovation project, modernized and upgraded food and beverage operations, and led the organization to consecutive and significant budget surpluses while establishing a million dollar capital improvement fund. He continues his affiliation in the role of General Counsel.

A graduate of the University of Miami, Herbert Business School, Jerry served as the ambassador to the University's Legacy Scholarship Program,  assumed leadership of the Greater New York Metro area 'Cane Community in June of 2020, and was named to the University of Miami Alumni Board of Directors on June 1, 2022.

In September of 2022, Jerry turned his attention to sharing experiences and mentoring the next generation of professionals. He joined Fordham University (NYC) as an Alumni Relations and Professional Development specialist. Through one on one coaching, unique workshops and events, relationship building, and employer relations Fordham enjoys a rebranded and reinvigorated professional mentoring program which promotes career readiness, student retention, career services for life, and networking. Goldstein's vision for "The Ram Career Network" lives at RamConnect.

Dedicated to assisting students and alumni, living in NY/NJ/CT, in their professional development by acquainting them with career paths open to them, connecting them with specific job opportunities, and enhancing their job search skills and level of professionalism.